What Is Nourishing Me This Fall

And all the lives we ever lived and all the lives to be are full of trees and changing leaves.

Virginia Woolf

Oh fall, why are you so glowy and cozy AND ALSO so exhausting? Punctuated with warm reds, vibrant oranges and mellow yellows. Scented with spicy chili, warm bread and fresh pressed apple cider. And also carelessly dumping hundreds of school emails into my in box with abandon. Assaulting me with the flashing lights, spinning Santas and giant fake trees while I attempt to buy Ticonderoga #2 pencils.

Fall is simultaneously energizing and draining. We naturally turn inward, turning our focus on our homes, our kitchens, and our families, as we navigate a new school year filled with possibility. Overwhelm can set in as the seemingly careless days of summer fade away.

So what is nourishing me this fall?

Torte #5 I believe

Original Plum Torte

A quick trip to my Uncle John’s home on the Oregon Coast yielded around 20 gallons of perfectly ripe Italian plums. Between the 6 of us, we easily ate over a hundred straight out of hand. 3 gallons were halved and frozen. The rest were transformed into plum tortes that made their way through the neighborhood. At least, that which did not vanish over-night, by the elves which seem to roam these halls.

The “Original Plum Torte Recipe” featured in NY Times Cooking has been a beloved classic since September 1983. It’s so simple and quick to throw together that I now have it memorized. Perfect for sharing warm out of the oven with a little vanilla ice cream and coffee.

Banjo Strings

Autumn Playlists

How is music so deeply nourishing? It has the power to transcend, to change the mood, to connect. Fall sounds to me like Spanish classical guitar, bluegrass and soothing acoustic backgrounds.

There are SO MANY great autumn playlists out there y’all. Find me at Spotify under “aliciaboys” and you’ll see all my seasonal playlists. In the interest of full disclosure, I have not created a single one of them! But they have been the soundtrack around here lately, and make especially good background music for focused work.

Thomas Creek

Moving Outside

When you work from home, the short walk to the mailbox can be the only connection to the literal outside world you get in a day. But man, when I go for a walk with the kids or work in the yard, it is an instant reset to body, soul and mind. Seeing the yellow covered trees, noticing the glow of the sun lower in the sky, the scent of smoke – autumn engages all my senses. Time spend in nature is always restorative to me, but never more deeply than in the fall.

Bonus if I get out for a hike in the nearby Sierra Nevadas. I am a literal tree hugger weirdo. I love the feel of the bark, the smell of the needles, the soft crunch of them under my feet. Time spent here is incredibly nourishing for me.

Bone Broth

It may not be trending #bonebroth 2012 anymore but I will never not be on Team Bone Broth. As soon as the daytime high falls below 80, I am adding bones, carrots, celery, and bay leaves to the slow cooker. I am practically giddy for all the chicken noodle soup and beef stews in my future.

A magical elixir, bone broth is the secret ingredient that takes ho hum soup to rich nourishing goodness.

As soon as a batch is done, I will fill a mug with the still warm broth and salt it generously. I can almost feel all the nutrients dispatching like little soldiers in my body, working their restorative magic. We’ve been through multiple gallons already this fall (she says with a scowl at back to school germs…).

Connection With Others

My parents are in town for several weeks and what a gift this has been. We’ve also been able to spend some time with other family members and have been able to connect more with friends and neighbors here in Reno.

For someone that leans more introverted as I get older, connection is a funny thing. I’ll admit to often wanting to cancel plans and just stay home in my cozy PJ’s with my bone broth and fall playlist. But 100% of the time, I am glad that I pushed through and spent that time with others. I come away encouraged, energized and feeling seen.

I am getting better at knowing my limits and building in margin, so that the time I make to prioritize connection is life giving and not life draining.

What about you friends? What’s giving you life this fall? Share in the comments or drop me a note!

Happy Fall Y’all!

(I just couldn’t help myself, clichés are the best).
